error code for 4kw diesel combi heater

I will try to describe the common error codes and solutions in detail for 4kw diesel combi heater. So that it may help you to find the correct parts to replace or repair the heater by yourself.

what is the error code E063H for diesel combi? During the usage of the Belief diesel Combi heaters, you must meet with some problems, like all kinds of error code on the control switch. Even we have tried to list them on the user manual, but it is not enough. ’cause, when it happens, clients […]

Black screen on the LCD switch and the combi heater not works One client once met with a problem for the 4kw diesel Combi heater(2021 version). After two years, the combi had been updated to new version, 2023 super silent diesel combi heater already with bluetooth and intelligent plateau mode. He described his problem is […]

What is the code W169H and how to solve it? One customer once met with a problem for his 4kw diesel combi heater, it is 2023 new silent version and with both intelligent plateau mode and bluetooth function combi heater. It shows the error code “W169H”, and the heater will stop to run under the […]

Some reasons that LPG combi heater not works? and how to solve it? There is a customer once met with the situation that the LPG combi heater not works. It could be turned on, but it would not be ignited under LPG mode in cold weather. It turns to be normal after being ignited in […]

What is the problems of the white smokes when combi heater is running? and how to solve it? One customer feedbacks that there is huge white smokes when running the diesel combi heater, he really needs the help and leave message via WhatsApp. After our analysis, we conclude: First, the reason of so much smoke […]

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