Black screen on the LCD switch and the combi heater not works

One client once met with a problem for the 4kw diesel Combi heater(2021 version). After two years, the combi had been updated to new version, 2023 super silent diesel combi heater already with bluetooth and intelligent plateau mode. He described his problem is when starting the Combi heater, it can be started, but the screen of LCD switch is black, he even took a video at that time. It is really a pity that I didn’t keep it, or I can share here for you when you had the same problems.

After analysis, we guess it may be the problem of the fuse. Here I want to add some extra contents about the fuse of our combis, there are 2 types of fuse used in our Combis, but they had their own advantages. The old version adapts Tube fuse, which more easily goes broken, see attached photo, but it is easily to get anywhere, it is an universal accessory, when it goes broken, just buy a new one in the local and changes it or even just connect it with copper wire directly.
We updated it later for the new blade fuse type, which is more stable, see the attached photo, but it is special part, need to get from the factory, that is will be convenient compared with the old type in some degree.

let us go the main topic for this real case happened. After client sent the photo of which type of fuse in his heater , we asked the client to test the resistance of the fuse, at last confirm it is the problem of the fuse, it is the old tube fuse installed in his heater, So, he temporarily connected it with the copper wire, and start the combi again, it recovers for the LCD switch and heater works as usual.

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